What is APIT? Well-known innovator Vili Poznik and beekeeper apitherapist Karl Vogrinčič joined forces and, using a special method, connected the operation of apitherapy with new knowledge of information technologies. They made a sticker they called APIT. The sticker with the image of a bee contains information about bee venom and everything else that bees provide us with good things (royal milk, propolis, mummy...), and its "supportive" sticker contains many other positive information that are intended for well-being. The bee sticker acts like bee venom, but its use is completely safe. Contact with the skin and the passing of information from the bee venom (and all of the above) into the body does not cause pain or swelling, and anaphylactic shock, which can be caused by a bee sting in people with allergies, is completely excluded. Research to date confirms a reduction in pain and a better sense of well-being. It has a positive effect on a painful spine, joint pain, painful connective tissue, bumps, headache, toothache, painful periods ...
Ušesne svečke oz. ušesni tulci so izdelki za odmaševanje ušes. Metoda, ki jo imenujemo tudi ušesno stožkanje, je bila prvenstveno alternativna metoda zdravljenja v holistične namene, danes pa se pogosteje uporablja za odpravljanje težav z ušesnim maslom.
Pri izgorevanju svečk se ustvari topel zrak z »Venturinijevim učinkom« (kot pri dimniku), kar pomeni, da topel zrak skozi tulec vleče ven ušesno maslo, zamaške, tujke in vodo.
Ear candles or. ear plugs are ear plugs for declotting th. The method, also called ear cone, was primarily an alternative method of treatment for holistic purposes, and today it is more commonly used to address ear butter problems. Burning candles creates warm air with a “Venturini effect” (as with a chimney), which means that warm air pulls out earwax, stoppers, foreign bodies and water through the sleeve. -
• Propo Steam uparjalnik propolisa je eden izmed najučinkovitejših instrumentov za lajšanje težav respiratornega sistema. • Nudi zaščito dihal pred obolenji. • Pomaga pri odstranjevanju lebdečih delcev, mikrobov in organskih topil iz zraka. • Prijetno odišavi zrak. • Aparat se lahko uporablja z že pripravljeno učinkovino propolisa ali z mešanico sestavin, ki lajšajo težave pri boleznih dihal. • Je preprost, obenem pa idealen za uporabo na domu ali v prostorih, v katerih se zadržuje večje število ljudi (pisarna, čakalnica, ordinacija ...). • Zanesljiva, robustna izdelava brez uporabe maziv je narejena v skladu z evropskimi standardi, ki veljajo na področju izdelave in varnosti.