Here you can stay informed on the latest news from the world of honey based products. Mostly we focus on issues from honey production and honey harvesting in Slovenia to the manifacture and sales of a variety of items made from honey. These include honey brandy, honey, mead, wax candles, honey wedding gifts, honey business gifts and many others.
Here you can stay informed on the latest news from the world of honey based products. Mostly we focus on issues from honey production and honey harvesting in Slovenia to the manifacture and sales of a variety of items made from honey. These include honey brandy, honey, mead, wax candles, honey wedding gifts, honey business gifts and many others.
Here you can stay informed on the latest news from the world of honey based products. Mostly we focus on issues from honey production and honey harvesting in Slovenia to the manifacture and sales of a variety of items made from honey. These include honey brandy, honey, mead, wax candles, honey wedding gifts, honey business gifts and many others.
Happy December and beautifully decorated Ljubljana Invite you!All FerMedica fans are invited to visit us at our New Year's stand
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The FerMedica team is incredibly excited and proud to inform you that we have been awarded a gold medal
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We will also be selling our products which include honey brandy, honey, mead, wax candles, honey wedding gifts, honey
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