Quality guarantee
It often happens that when we get our hands on a selected product, we are not 100 % satisfied. In photographs, it is difficult to always imagine what a product really is (size, shape …). That is why we offer our Quality guarantee.
Because we want you to be satisfied with the product, in case anything bothers you, return it to us, and we will refund all money, except postage.
It often happens that when we get our hands on a selected product, we are not 100 % satisfied. In photographs, it is difficult to always imagine what a product really is (size, shape …). That is why we offer our Quality guarantee.
Because we want you to be satisfied with the product, in case anything bothers you, return it to us, and we will refund all money, except postage.
It often happens that when we get our hands on a selected product, we are not 100 % satisfied. In photographs, it is difficult to always imagine what a product really is (size, shape …). That is why we offer our Quality guarantee.
Because we want you to be satisfied with the product, in case anything bothers you, return it to us, and we will refund all money, except postage.